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Az Archery Events

We proudly support our men and women in uniform who protect our freedom.


Don't forget - the next Desert Archers shoot will be at the Triangle T Guest Ranch in Texas Canyon. This is the 2nd leg of the ABA Triple Crown, "Rumble in the Rocks". See the "Club Events" page for details.


Online registration for the "Rumble in the Rocks" can be made by going to and clicking on the "Rumble in the Rocks" under the event calendar.

If you preregister you will have the option to shoot a morning flight on Saturday the 4th at 8:00am.

Walk-up registration will be available at the Triangle T Guest Ranch on Friday April 3rd, from 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm.

The dates for the May shoot at TMP has been changed from the 2nd and 3rd to the 9th and 10th due to a conflict with the 3rd leg of the Triple Crown. The shoot on the 9th and 10th at TMP will also be an IBO qualifier.


  • The Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Outdoor Expo that abounds with hands-on activities at the 1,700-acre Ben Avery Shooting Facility is set for March 28 and 29 (with a youth day for schools on March 27).


The Desert Archers would like to welcome our newest sponsor:

                                         “Byron’s Strings and More.”

This business is owned and operated by Byron Eddy. Byron and his wife, Jane, are long time associate members and contributors of Desert Archers. Byron’s business includes making custom compound and traditional bowstrings. All strings are pre-stretched and ready to shoot. Byron also does bow custom repairs and adjustments to enhance and silence your bow.

Byron’s phone number: (520) 730-1618

E Mail:

Byron is working on a website and when finished, it will be added to our sponsor’s page.


Western States Triple Crown Schedule for 2009

A new format has been established for the Triple Crown for 2009.

1st Leg "Cactus Classic"
 will be held at Usery Park Archery Range

Hosted by Usery Mtn. Archers
Arizona Christian Archers

February  21-22, 2009
click for Registration forms

2nd Leg "Rumble in the Rocks"
will be held at Triangle T Ranch
Dragoon , AZ
Hosted by Desert Archers of Tucson
April 4-5, 2009

3rd Leg "Pinal Mountain Gathering"
will be held at McLachlin Range
Globe, AZ
Hosted by Apache Bowhunters
May 2-3, 2009

Triple Crown Finals
30th Annual Bowhunter Happening

will be held at Sunrise Park Resort
Hosted by Arizona Bowhunters Association
July 25-26, 2009

Check the ABA website for more updates and contact information as it becomes available



I have eliminated the "Sponsor of the Month " page and replaced it with the "Arizona Archery Shoots and Events" page. This will list  shoots and events, put on by archery clubs and organizations, throughout the state. Some of our members have talked about getting a group of club members (and non club members) to participate and support other club shoots in the state. 


Desert Archers will host the 2nd leg of the ABA Triple Crown, the first weekend in April, at the Triangle T Guest Ranch. For more information see or call Darrin Welsh at 260-0787.


If any member has harvested any game or non-game animal, with a bow,  and would like their picture on our website, send me a digital picture at. 

You can include any additional info on  bow, arrow, broadhead, or location if wanted.

See the new 2009 schedule of events on the "Club Events" page 

The Executive board has decided that they will no longer send monthly event flyers to club members and non members on our mailing list. The flyers are costly and time consuming to mail. The members who show up to the shoots are the same people that are always there and the flyers are not helping to get more people to the shoots. I will continue to have the event dates on the website. Please mark your calendars with the dates for the shoots. The shoot dates are the 1st weekend of each month. The months that we have no shoots are January, June, July, and September. Any changes to the event dates will be communicated to the members.


 If any member or non-member has any questions concerning the club and /or the website, please forward them to me at

 I will either answer them or forward them to Darrin Welsh, DA club president, depending on the subject.


 Make sure you take time to look at the "Legislature Alerts" page. It will give you information on Az Game and Fish, BLM, state lands, and National Forest meetings that affect our hunting and camping rights and opportunities. If you know of any meetings or legislation that could affect our hunting, fishing, access, and/or camping rights, please let me know and I will post it on our website.


                                    ASA INSURANCE AND SAFETY GUIDELINES

1. Never nock an arrow until the intended target is clear of other shooters

2. Never nock or shoot an arrow when other archers are down range on the practice range.

2. Stay on designated paths

3. Look for lost arrows only after competition is completed for the day or designated time by range captain.

4. If looking or returning to look for lost arrows, place a visible marker or your equipment in front of the target.

5. Adults must supervise their children at all times. Never leave children unattended.


                                                         HARD COPY FLYERS

The Desert archers are no longer sending out flyers to our members. For event information see the "Club Events" page on this website


                                            DIRECTIONS TO OUR RANGE

To get  to our range at Tucson Mountain Park, from I10, turn west on Speedway Blvd and proceed through Gates Pass, approx 7 miles. Keep going to Kinney Road stop sign, approx 1-2 miles. Turn right and look for archery range sign on right, approx 1 mile. There is a campground, Gilbert Ray Campground, 520-883-4200, on Kinney Road approx 1/8 mile past our range.





©2005 Desert Archers. All rights reserved.