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How much do you know about Grizzlies and how safe are you in Grizzly country? Click on the link below and take the Grizzly test. Good Luck.



Hunting and Fishing Facts: This article was taken out of Bowhunting World magazine.The source was the "Congressional Sportsman's Foundation" (taken & compiled from other results and reports).

Sportsmen in 2006 (16 years and older): 34 Million

     Hunters: Approximately 12.5Million*

     Anglers: Approximately 30 Million*

* Some hunters are anglers and some anglers are hunters, but the total is 34 Million individuals.

America's 34 Million hunters and anglers are among the most prominent and influential of all demographic groups.

Hunters and anglers outnumber motor sports fans by more than 2 to 1. Sportsman could fill every NASCAR track 13 times over. (Not to discredit NASCAR fans).

Americans spend more time hunting and fishing each year than than days spent running the Federal government (737 million days vs 486 million days).

More people hunt and fish than watch the nightly newscasts of the 3 major networks - ABC, NBC, & CBS (34 million vs 27 million).There are half a million more hunters than people living in New York City and Los Angeles - America's 2 most populated cities.


Title: Game Dept hard at work

This is an excerpt from an article from the Bow and Arrow Hunting magazine, Jan, 2008. The author is Darin Cooper.

"We returned at daylight the following morning to retrieve the meat. On our way out we  ran into a DWR biologist on the trail. I explained I couldn't provide the requested tooth sample for aging because the old gal didn't have any left. I told him there were orange ear tags with numbers that should help him identify the goat. Instantly, I could see he was genuinely grief-stricken. After a long pause he explained that my goat was the last of the original transplants brought to the area in 1994 and he was sad to see her leaving the mountain after all these years. He told us he was actually present for her release onto the mountain and that she was largely responsible for populating the herd by annually churning out sets of twins like a little goat factory!"

"The compassion and sense of ownership this fellow had for the animals impressed me beyond words. I think we often take our state wildlife agencies and there employees for granted. These dedicated people work extremely hard and take tremendous amount of pride in their often thankless jobs so that we can enjoy our favorite pastime and hunting heritage. It's important for people to get more involved in the policy-making process and support our wildlife-management agencies. Too often we hear nothing but unwarrented criticism from hunters that neither appreciate or understand the decisions being made. Go out of your way to thank the next conservation officer you meet in the field for protecting and preserving our wildlife."



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Last modified: Friday, Jan 30, 2009

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