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Sportsmen Should Tell 'American Idol':
No "Home Sweet Home" for HSUS


Sportsmen should contact Fox Broadcasting, the company that airs American Idol, immediately.

They should be told that country music star Carrie Underwood’s rendition of “Home Sweet Home” isn’t so sweet for the millions of sportsmen who will be attacked by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) after they make money off the tune. 

According to Carrie Underwood’s official website, the song is going to be used each week on the hit television show when a contestant is voted off. 

Unfortunately, Underwood has made clear that a portion of the proceeds from subsequent sales of that song will go to benefit the largest anti-hunting organization in the nation, HSUS.  This will give HSUS even more money to direct towards hunters, anglers, and trappers nationwide.

“Carrie Underwood has decided to use her talents to benefit an organization dedicated to destroying the rights of thousands of her fans,” said U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) senior vice president, Rick Story.   “HSUS does not operate or oversee animal shelters; it is a radical organization that seeks to end hunting and other responsible uses of animals in America.”

Story said that sportsmen must send American Idol a strong message that its indirect support of HSUS, is not appreciated.

Sportsmen can make a difference.  Companies such as Iams, General Mills, Accor Hotels, Pet Safe, Sears, Meijer Inc, and Ace Hardware ended relationships with HSUS after thousands of sportsmen levied strong protest.

Take Action!  Sportsmen are urged to contact key personnel at American Idol’s parent company, Fox Broadcasting and demand that Underwood’s song not be given a stage to raise money for HSUS.

Mr. Peter Liguori
Fox Broadcasting Company
Chairman of Entertainment
10201 West Pico Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90064-2606

Fax: 310-369-1283
Phone: 310-369-3553

 Also, e-mail the show at

For more information regarding the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alert Network, call 614-888-4868, or email Greg R. Lawson, director of communications at or Sharon Hayden, assistant director of communications data at

U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance
801 Kingsmill Parkway
Columbus, Ohio 4322929


The following article was from the Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation newsletter.

Leading Conservation Groups Respond to Attacks on Alaska Governor

(Columbus) – A consortium of conservation organizations today sent a letter of support of Alaska’s wolf management program to Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.

The letter, spearheaded by the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and signed by 8 other organizations representing nearly 3 million conservationists nationwide, came in  response to unwarranted attacks on the Alaska wolf management program by the animal preservation group Defenders of Wildlife (DoW). 

The attack includes a television ad featuring actress Ashley Judd. The ad is as part of an aggressive media campaign to cast public disfavor on Alaska’s scientifically valid and sound method of predator management.

The conservation groups’ letter clarifies that the Alaska program avoids game population decimation, especially for moose and caribou “through a rigorously controlled, scientifically based system.”

The letter also highlights “the critical importance of science in wildlife management” and states that “the future of effective wildlife management necessitates that emotional pleas not substitute for reasoned analysis.”

According to USSA Senior Vice President Rick Story, “It is imperative that people understand how important science is to maintaining healthy populations of wildlife species. In the absence of this program, not only would wildlife be destroyed, eventually, disease and hunger would kill far more wolves.” 

Story concluded, “It is simply wrong for an environmental group to use Hollywood glitz and glamour to hide science from the public.”

The signers of the letter include:

The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance
The Archery Trade Association and Bowhunting Preservation Alliance
Boone & Crockett Foundation
Conservation Force
The Dallas Safari Club
The National Shooting Sports Foundation
North American Bear Foundation
Pope & Young Club
The Texas Wildlife Association

To view the letter please visit:


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE             Contact: Greg R. Lawson (614) 888-4868 ext. 214

November 13, 2008                                    Sharon Hayden (614) 888-4868 ext. 226

PETA Calls for “Under-18” Hunting Ban  

Letter to Arizona Governor Exploits Tragedy


(Columbus, Ohio) – The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance (USSA) decries the most recent effort of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to ban hunting in Arizona.

On November 11, PETA sent a letter to the Governor of Arizona, Janet Napolitano, urging support of legislation that would ban hunting by anyone younger than 18. 

PETA is attempting to exploit recent November 5 news coverage of a tragedy in which an eight year-old boy allegedly shot and killed his father, Vincent Romero, and Timothy Romans with a .22-caliber rifle. The organization claims that the violent act was fomented by a recent family prairie dog hunting trip.

PETA told Gov. Napolitano that hunting teaches “children to see others as nothing more than living targets.”

“PETA always uses the most distasteful tactics to make headlines. In this case it is exploiting a tragic situation to advance its anti-hunting agenda,” said USSA Executive Vice President Rick Story. 

“There is no reason to believe that banning hunting for youth would have prevented this act”, Story said. “A ban on hunting for those under 18 will prohibit thousands of law abiding, responsible sportsmen and their children from engaging in a time honored tradition”, he said.

The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and sportsmen’s organizations that protects the rights of hunters, anglers and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and through public education programs.  For more information about the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance and its work, call (614) 888-4868 or visit its website,


Important Information: Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC)

Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife (AZSFW)

AZSFWC is a 501 c-3 not for profit organization whose mission is to educate and inform sportsmen, wildlife conservation organizations throughout the state and the public at large on important issues related to wildlife and wildlife habitat and to provide, via grants or other sources, funding to conserve Arizona’s wildlife populations through habitat enhancement initiatives. AZSFWC, in conjunction with the Wildlife Conservation Council, publishes a twice monthly newsletter (The Sportsmen’s Connection) to inform the public of issues related to wildlife.

AZSFW is a 501-c-4 organization whose mission is to make Arizona sportsmen an effective force in determining political, legislative, educational and administrative issues that promotes wildlife, wildlife habitat and the continuation of our hunting and fishing traditions. AZSFW is the only statewide advocacy organization in Arizona dedicated to representing the interests of sportsmen and wildlife at the state legislature and on issues related to our public lands.

If you would like to subscribe to The Sportsmen’s Connection newsletter, please go to the AZSFW website at  www.arizonasportsmenforwildlife and sign up on the home page.

If you are interested in becoming a supporting member of AZSFW, membership applications are available in the Membership section of the website.






Last modified: Sunday, July 15, 2007

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